Friday, July 12, 2013


 I watched a lot of premieres and award nights lately. So I came to this idea: I`ll make session of posts about what`s really trendy and popular this summer.
Today, I`m thinking neon. I mean, u probably know that this is one of the biggest trends now. Everyone has something neon. I mean EVERYONE.

 Here r some ways how to make outfit with neon colors, and at the same time make it look soooo cut..
Just follow stars`s footsteps :)

1. Dress in nude color with some neon detalis

2. Neon accesorizze!!Rrule No1 :)

3. Neon dress with dark smoky eyes, and dark accesorizze

4. Neon dress with bright makeup and nailpolish

5. Neon highlighters. Must-have!!

U r gonna try some of these, right?? I though so :)
T`ill next post,
Becca xox

1 comment:

  1. That's the charm of summer.
